Today for my daily card reading I drew the two of wands from the Enchanted Forest Tarot. This is always a powerful time of year for me for various reasons, including the fact that we are headed into the Autumnal Equinox, which is a time of balance, a fact that is always reflected in a 2. Wands the suit of creativity. The frog in this picture can be seen holding the world in his hands. And, for me in this deck this card shouts that it is time for inner contemplation. Message: During this time of balance you hold the world in your hands, so look within to find the answers that you should apply without.I have been consumed in researching my book project for the last four years, and I am finally reaching a time where I feel that my knowledge starting to coalesce and I am getting a clear vision about where I am headed in my writing and research.
My understanding of the universe is also deepening. I am really in tune with Hermetic teachings at the moment. I am jumping throughout history to Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas finding connections everywhere. I have been reflecting a lot, going over my journals, and trying to find the theme.
All cultures tell of a golden age, and it is coming to me through research and reflection, that during this period of history man was not divided. Globally there was a shared religion and language (perhaps), was this Atlantis? When that empire fell, and its survivors spread out...is it the fragments that Atlantis survivors carried to various points across the globe that give global myth its parallels?
Alexander the Great had an appreciation for culture as he conquered and spread his empire. Alexandria became a global hub of knowledge, where everyone spoke Greek. The fact that Greek was imposed on the cultures that Alexander took over, allowed for a sharing of information. As we move along in the processional cycle out of the age of Pisces headed by the tag I believe, we enter into the age of Aquarius which is guided by the tag I know.
Dream, Love, Know... ~JYN Star