Monday, August 20, 2012

Daily Card Reading~ Queen of Pentacles

Yesterday, for the daily card reading I drew the Queen of Pentacles, yet I was unable to post.  Therefore, I thought it would be fitting to address an important point about my daily card readings, regarding the illusion of time.  There is no time in spirit, therefore, whenever you find a post on a tarot card, it is meant for you to read at that moment, regardless of when the card was actually drawn.  Just because I drew this card yesterday, does not mean that I cannot find insight from this same card today, and at any given time when this card appears as a symbol in my life. 

So, now let us look at this luxurious queen.  She sits in a garden overflowing with abundance focused on the pentacle, which I view as her power to manifest in this physical reality (hence why she is the Queen of this suit with its connections to earth).  What are you at the height of creating? Are you feeling a flow of abundance at this time?  Are you seeing the results of your creative endeavours?  These are the questions that lie at the core of this earthly and abundant queen.  Meditate on her for your answers if they have not already arrived intuitively.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Daily Card Reading~ 4 of Swords (Rx) *Mystic Dreamer Tarot

I found it interesting that for today's reading I drew the 4 of Swords (Rx), when yesterday this was the card I pulled in the upright position.  I was not sure what to make of this reversal, and so for further reflection I turned to Mary K. Greer's  The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals for more insight on what this card could mean in its reversed position.  In the book she states, "The figure now seems to look down from the ceiling- like an out of body experience during dreams or scrying.  You may be awakening from a literal metaphorical sleep, probably with more clarity or a different perspective then before.  As the period of peace and tranquility comes to an end, you could be resolving concerns...On the shamanic level, this is a card of dream time or the astral plane.  It depicts a connection with inner guides or figures of power like the supplicant in the stained-glass window.  Channeling or mediumship is a possibility."

In yesterday's post I alluded to Sleeping Beauty, and how the upright position of this card refers to a period of rest and reflection.  And now today, I drew a card that states that it is time to emerge from the slumber!  What does this all mean in your own life?

Dream, Love, Believe... ~JYN

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Daily Card Reading~ 4 of Swords *Mystic Dreamer Tarot

Personally I immediately understood why I drew this for today's daily card reading.  The 4 of Swords in about rest, reflection, and retreat.  Rachel Pollak in 78 Degrees of Wisdom, discusses how this card evokes the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty

An issue in my personal life has been bothering me, and I was debating facing the issue head-on at some point within the next few days.  But, this card is warning against that, alluding to taking time to turn within and heal, and then re-emerging after a period of rest and reflection.  Four's are about stability.  What do you need to reflect on?  If you are reading this post, it may be a good idea to take time out of your day and meditate.

Dream, Love, Believe...  ~JYN

Nereids' Enchantments Archive: Lady Bugs

This post is from the Nereids' Enchantments archive's on the symbolism of this fascinating insect!  I hope you enjoy reading about Lady Bug medicine. ~JYN

Nereids' Enchantments Blog: Lady Bugs: The first time that I was drawn to the Lady Bug was in Prague. My husband and I were in the city, I was in a gift shop. I saw a Lady Bug c...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Tarot and Beyond...A Tarot Post from Nereids' Enchantments Archives

This post is from one of my other blogs Nereids' Enchantments, it is on the subject of Tarot, so I thought I would dust it off from my archives, and repost the link here.  Enjoy!  ~JYN

Nereids' Enchantments Blog: Tarot and Beyond...: Hello everyone! I have been thinking and planning over the last several days, and am excited about the path that I have mapped out for upc...

Daily Card Reading~ Art *Thoth

First off, I find it interesting that as I begin to truly learn and read with the Thoth deck, I have encountered some judgements of the deck that have not been so favorable.  I completely understand how this deck could be perceived as dark, since it is in fact incredibly powerful.  Once working with the deck, if these issues come up, it is important to intuitively confront your feelings on the dark perceptions surrounding the deck's creator.  Crowley suffered from racial bias (I have read some accounts stating his biased beliefs are reflected in his writings), he practiced sexual magic with a emphasis on homosexuality (which may be a problem for some), and he was not the picture of a loving and respectful husband (he was married), in fact he led an incredibly wild sex life, and had several illicit affairs. Yet, does that mean his deck holds no value?  I guess for me it does not.

I see the Thoth as a tool for me to use, that is separate from the mystery and controversy that surrounds its creator Aleister Crowley.  I can't remember where I read this point, but it was a good one, the person stated that besides the controversial character that Crowley indeed was, Lady Frieda Harris painted the cards, and as the artist her energy is part of the deck as well, along with the fact that regardless of personal faults, Crowley was a learned occultist, and therefore it is safe to assume you may find something of value within his Tarot deck.  In fact, if you are reading this post I would take it as a sync indicator that these tarot card may have something to offer you, and you may want to look into this line of thinking further...The Book of Thoth Website states that this is the leading esoteric deck published today.

~The Daily Card Reading

I sat down to do another daily card reading, a few days after Mercury had gone direct, signaling a lift on sluggish communication often experienced during this period.  Again, I used the Thoth deck for this reading (I pulled this card several days ago, and have been reflecting on it ever since), it was the Art card which is trump 14 in the Major Arcana pertaining to Sagittarius the opposite of Gemini.  In Crowley's deck this trump forms a pair with the previous card that I had pulled in my last daily card reading ~ The Lovers which is trump number 6, a sync experience.

Again, this card is ruled by Sagittarius taking the form of the mythic Diana- the Huntress, according to Crowley.  In fact you can spot the arrow of the huntress coming out of the alchemical cauldron, which is forming a rainbow, symbolic of a bridge between worlds.  Again, Crowley states that this card represents the consummation of the royal marriage which took place during Trump #6, the former black and white figures of the previous trump have now united into a androgynous alchemical figure.  He also says that the main message of the card refers to the alchemical egg, which appeared in trump #6, this card is concerning what is inside the egg.  This card is also referencing the Philosopher's Stone, both symbols holding the keys that unlock the truth of 3rd dimensional existence.  This card is the final stage of the alchemical process, where the lead has been turned to gold.  What truth have you uncovered as you reconciled living within this dualistic realm? What is birthing within? Follow your truth and light.

Dream, Love, Believe... ~JYN

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Daily Card Reading~ The Lovers *Thoth

For quite sometime I kept drawing cards that were alluding to the fact that I needed to rest.  As such, I have not posted on any of my blogs since mid July, taking time off from my many projects, trying to REst and REflect.  These are key actions during any period in which Mercury is in retrograde (what we are currently experiencing), signaling a time where no new projects should be started, instead you should rest and reflect on what you already have in place.

Given the fact that I am very heavily a Virgo born on a New Moon with a Stellenium in my chart all in the house of Virgo, I am heavily influenced by Mercury, always on a quest for knowledge...So, the last few weeks have been no different.  And my intuitive research has connected me to Crowley's Thoth Tarot. 

In fact, I have owned this deck for at least six years.  But, I have never opened it.  I was drawn to purchase it when I began to truly study the cards in depth, putting it aside (along with his companion book The Book of Thoth) and finally picking it up for the first time two weeks ago. 

I realize everyday how our higher-selves guide us when we follow our hearts.  Aleister Crowley is a very controversial occultist, and if you let his reputation proceed him, you can miss out on the magic that is his Tarot!  Yet, I am so happy that I did not delve into this highly symbolic an esoteric deck until now, because I would have been in no way prepared to read these advanced cards.  But, when you are ready the teacher will find you, and so now Crowley and his Book of Thoth have found me!

I have been shuffling, looking at, meditating with, and reading up on Crowley, Lady Frieda Harris (the artist behind the cards), and looking into the systems that lie at the core of this complex deck.  I am so happy that I have finally begun to work with these cards, whose images really seem to be resonating with me.  I love the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, but I was also ready for something more, and have found, what I wanted/had all along!  

So, with this deck I did the daily card reading for today.  I drew the Lovers which is a trump card in the Major Arcana.  For me this card is always about choices.  I was immediately struck by the contrasting children and royalty, using the imagery of black and white (duality/contrast).  Crowley states that this card alludes to Gemini (the twins) ruled by Mercury.  In fact Mercury is the hooded figure in the background overseeing the events in this picture.  Crowley states, " he is closely shrouded, as if to signify the ultimate reason of things lies in the realm beyond manifestation and intellect." 

We are taken back to the Garden of Eden, where Eve has fallen to the temptation of the serpent, and has bore his child Cain.  Cain is the first murderer, and as such bears the mark of the beast (Crowley's nickname), holding the Hammer of Thor still dripping with his brothers blood.  Yet, Crowley states that the first murder was necessary because, "God did not hear the children of Eve until blood was shed". 

The marriage is of a Black Moorish King and a White Queen (opposites again). The egg of wisdom is at the bottom.  For with choice comes change, and change is always the birth of something new...This card refers to the 6th stage of Alchemy which is distillation.

What have you been reflecting on during this retrograde period? What choices need to be made in the present, as you move forward?