Hello All! I hope that you are having an enjoyable 2013! I have not posted a daily card reading since September because I have been immersed in writing my book project, pulling me away from my blogs. But as we shift into the energy of the new year, I felt that is was important to post on this journey that we call life, for each day we all keep moving along our path.
I am not sure about you but I find that as we shift past the point of 2012, there is an uneasiness amongst the collective as the old ways fall, and we enter a time that is more and more transparent. Transparency is hard for those that hide in the shadows, and you can see that those that tend to slide toward the darker realms on the scale of polarity, having a hard time.
Yet, those who work for the light must keep on keeping on this road that is sometimes dark, but always illuminated, even if only by the dimmest of stars at times...know that you and we as a collective have the strength to keep moving forward, as we transition out of darker times, into a paradigm that is filled with light, leaving behind the old and growing into the new.
Dream. Love. Know. JYN Star